Many of our patients have tried conventional medicine unsuccessfully. By using the Naturopathic Principles, the Institute of Naturopathic Health has been able to turn around terminal cancer diagnoses, identify mysterious illnesses, and reduce chronic symptoms of pain and inflammation.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
Holistic Health Care

Nutritional Counseling

Located in Plymouth, NH
Meet Dr David Olarsch, Founder of the Institute for Naturopathic Health
David Olarsch is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Iridologist who dedicates his life to the study and practice of natural healing. A second generation Naturopath, Dr. Olarsch teaches many of the principles he was raised with by his father, a prominent Naturopathic Doctor. Together, he and his family have traveled throughout the world to study and learn the healing knowledge of the masters and other cultures. He has trained with some of the most respected leaders in the health field. In addition to his Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, Dr. Olarsch is a Master Iridologist, Certified Herbalist (AHG) and Reflexologist. Respected as an authority on Natural Healing and Iridology, he has appeared on numerous television and radio shows and written articles for national magazines and journals.

About the Institute for Naturopathic Health
Dr. David Olarsch is the founder and director of the Institute for Naturopathic Health in Plymouth, New Hampshire. As an extension of Dr. Olarsch’s dedication to the study and practice of natural healing, this website serves as an online resource center for those interested in health and natural healing, as well as a secure online health store featuring Nature’s Path Supplements, Dr. Olarsch’s own brand of high-quality supplements, herbs, and nutritional products.

Dr David Olarsch is a Master Iridologist
Iridology is the science and practice of determining the condition of organs and systems in the body through examining the iris of the eye. Called Iris Diagnosis in Europe, it is a valuable technique to facilitate a more complete understanding of the patient’s health care needs. Iridology provides an early warning of weaknesses in the body and is a non-invasive procedure. It is a powerful tool for health rejuvenation and preventive health care.
Services Offered
Gentle Therapy for Natural HealingNutritional Counseling
Heal your body through your diet
Therapeutic Massage
Enhances health, reduces stress
For your mental & emotional well-being
Stimulating reflex points on the feet to relax and nourish
Analyzing the iris for body strengths and weaknesses
Hair Analysis
Determine mineral and toxin levels accurately
Health care for the spine
Holistic Health Care
Restorative & Longevity Medicine
1 – What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine integrates alternative medical practices—such as botanical medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, and oriental medicine—with modern scientific diagnostic methods and standards of care.
2 – Are Naturopaths Certified Doctors?
Naturopathic doctors (N.D.s) are trained in conventional medical disciplines as well as in alternative approaches. They integrate this knowledge according to principles that recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself, the importance of prevention, and the possibility of therapeutic use of nutrition to promote health and fight disease.
3 – Where Did Naturopathy Come From?
Naturopathy was founded in the beginning of the 20th century by a group of therapists who were followers of Sebastian Kneipp, a 19th-century proponent of the healing powers of nature. At the height of its popularity, there were more than 20 naturopathic medical schools in the United States and naturopathic physicians were licensed in most states. The practice of naturopathic medicine declined as the use of pharmaceutical drugs increased. However, in the past several decades there has been a resurgence of interest in naturopathy. Now there are over half a dozen naturopathic medical schools in North America and many States are licensing naturopathic doctors again.
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Get Started with your Personalized Program
Many of our patients are told there is nothing that can be done. Don’t lose hope. We have turned around terminal cancer diagnoses, and helped chronically ill people live healthier lives.
We can provide complementary therapy that can work with allopathic medicine – you don’t have to get off your prescriptions, but natural remedies may make your prescription medication unneccessary.